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I just finished the first draft of Lucy, a chapter book. It will be the first of a young middle-grade fantasy series. It’s such a wonderful feeling when a book is finished! Well, in this case, a draft. But it still feels great! Now I need to put it aside for a month or so to let it marinate in the back of my mind. When I go back to work on it, it will feel fresher and I won’t remember everything I wrote the first time. I’ll be able to catch typos and inconsistencies in plot, character, setting, and other details. I don’t know how many times I’ll need to go back and revise and edit my book. Each book is different. I enjoy the writing and editing process, but it always feels good to stamp “finished” on a book and send it out into the world.
Now I’m going to be concentrating on Children of the Fog, a middle-grade fantasy series, that will be much longer than Lucy…more than twice the length. There’s much more world-building involved and more characters to work with. I’ve already written about half of the book, but I need to read and review it again, since I paused working on it. I ran into some plot snags and had to work them out before I could continue. I’m going to try to finish this book by August 1st. That means I need to write between 3 and 5 pages each day. Then I plan on reviewing, editing, and rewriting it in August. September 1st is my deadline.
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