Pam Zollman is a fifth generation native Texan who is now living in South Carolina. She has two sons, one daughter-in-law, four grandchildren, and two cats (who like to sit on her laptop). She’s been writing since before her sons were born, but they were the ones who influenced her to focus on writing for children.
She has written numerous articles and short stories for newspapers and magazines. One story, “Millie’s Garden,” won the Highlights for Children Annual Fiction Contest in 1996 and was published in Highlights in 1997.
Don’t Bug Me! was Pam’s debut middle-grade novel that Holiday House published in 2001. The paperback version was published by Scholastic the following year. It was a Bank Street College of Education Best Book of the Year for 2002 and a finalist for the Sunshine State Children’s Book Award in 2002. Don’t Bug Me! was picked for the Florida Battle of the Books and was featured in the October 2003 issue of Highlights for Children Magazine. It’s also been translated into Korean.
Her six Life Cycle nonfiction rookie readers for Scholastic were published in hardcover and paperback, as well as in English and in Spanish. A Chick Grows Up was awarded an honor book in the Maryland Blue Crab Children’s Choice Awards.
In March 2022, Eerdmans Books for Young Readers published her 41st book, I’ll Say Goodbye, a fiction picture book for children ages 4-8. Bookwing Press will publish Pam’s 42nd book, a middle-grade fantasy (book 1 of a trilogy), Children of the Fog, in November 2023.
Pam has been a technical editor, freelance editor, and magazine staff editor, as well as a speaker at writers’ conferences and retreats across the nation. She has taught writing classes at Leisure Learning (Houston), Lone Star College (Houston), Marywood University (Scranton, PA), and through The Writer’s Plot (Greenville, SC).